The pest control industry currently brings in millions of dollars of revenue every year and has shown steady growth over the last decade. This could be mainly down to the fact that pest control is an essential service that enjoys fairly steady demand. However, another reason behind the growth of the pest control industry could be the marketing techniques used in the trade.

It’s no secret that modes of online marketing have increased in popularity over the years, and not just for the pest control business. However, people in the trade are now beginning to wonder whether they were better off using traditional (offline) marketing techniques after all. Well, these techniques did seem to get the job done for years and have proven reliable time and time again so why not?

When it comes to pest control marketing, we mainly focus on online marketing but can accommodate offline marketing too. Therefore, whichever one of these you have a preference for, we’re sure to be flexible and adapt our marketing techniques to your style. That being said, in this article, we’ll briefly discuss some of how offline marketing for pest control is making a comeback and the reasons behind the same.

Traditional Marketing Over Modern Marketing

For decades, the pest control business has relied on offline marketing techniques to promote its services. For instance, most of us grew up in neighborhoods where it wasn’t uncommon to see flyers or pamphlets for pest control services plastered on street lamps, walls, or simply slid under our front doors. This marketing technique seems rather simplistic, but it certainly helped in getting the job done.

A traditional flyer would contain the basic features of a pest control service including a contact number and pricing options. What more information would you need from the service as basic as pest control, anyway? Since this simple yet effective mode of advertising is something people have grown up with, it’s easy to see why familiarity plays a big role here in promoting a business.

Besides, remember that scores of people still aren’t comfortable using the internet to find services such as pest control and may prefer to engage the services of companies that promote themselves using traditional techniques instead.

The Local Touch

Building on what we discussed earlier about familiarity, the fact that pest control businesses give out flyers to only a fixed number of neighborhoods in a given locality or a fixed number of localities in a given area is a huge bonus for them. Now, this may sound rather confusing and you might be wondering: how can it be a good thing to reach out to only a few localities when you can reach out to a much wider audience using the internet?

Well, the answer is simple: targeting your audience based on the geographical area they live in can allow you to add details to your Ad Campaign that would appeal specifically to the people living there. For instance, using local lingo or playing up on some cultural references prevailing in the area might help your intended audience find your company more reliable. In other words, if your potential customers think that your brand strikes a chord with them that’s close to home, there’s a greater chance that they’ll find your services trustworthy.

This wouldn’t be possible if you’re going to be using Display Ads or other means of Digital Marketing that rely on generic content to advertise products and services.

Time Saved

Ask any marketing expert or professional who’s designed a Digital Marketing Campaign and they’ll tell you that it takes a good amount of time and resources to implement. The devil truly is in the details when it comes to Display Ads which is why they take forever to design. On the other hand, it could be relatively simple to design flyers and pamphlets advertising pest control services.

Such printed materials generally contain the basic details of your service and don’t exactly require too much time and effort to design and distribute. Think about it, how long would it take you to write a few lines describing your service and contact details, then print it out on hundreds of pamphlets? It could probably be in a few hours. Well, it would take a lot longer to design a visual ad online and choose the right platform to showcase it on, we can tell you that.

Customer Loyalty

Customer loyalty plays a big role in determining how profitable your business will stay in the long run. With online marketing, it’s difficult to cultivate a sense of loyalty among consumers. Sure, a satisfied customer may return to your service the next time they need pest control done, but what’s to stop them from seeking out one of your competitors that offers the same quality of service like yours?

With offline marketing methods, there are ways in which you can increase customer loyalty such as giving out free merchandise along with your services. The merchandise you give out doesn’t have to be expensive — it could be anything from a pen or a notepad to a mug or a cap that bears your brand logo. After all, most people love freebies and are served with a reminder of your brand every time they use these items thereby increasing the chances of them engaging your services again.

Personal Interaction

Granted, people are now growing increasingly comfortable avoiding human contact altogether when purchasing a product or service. However, while it may be preferable for many to sit behind a screen and make their purchases, others still find it difficult to trust companies they’ve had no real contact with. This is where offline marketing comes in since nothing beats good old personal interaction.

Person-to-person marketing helps establish your company’s physical presence with the help of real people that can talk to potential customers about your services. Considering pest control is an essential service that has been around for years and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future, having face-to-face interaction can help your business appeal to a consumer using a personal touch that could leave a lasting impression.

To conclude, in a business such as pest control, it may be useful to rely on a mix of both online and offline marketing methods, even though the latter seems to be making a strong comeback in the past year or two. Many pest control companies now rely on online marketing to promote their services, but we can deal with offline marketing too. If you prefer one over the other or would like to try out a mix of both, we’re flexible enough to accommodate your brand’s voice and style.


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