Gaining more customers for your pest control business is no mean feat, even if you’ve been in the industry for years. Many factors influence how many customers you can bring in each year. With an increase in demand for pest control services comes an increase in competitors. This is why it makes it all the more difficult for pest control companies to stand out and win new business.
However, there are ways in which you can expand your consumer base if you’re willing to expend the resources required to do so. Let’s explore some of these ways below:
Display Marketing
The easiest albeit most time-consuming way in which you can bring in more customers is by establishing a strong online presence. To do so, you’ll first need to design a display marketing campaign. Ideally, this campaign should consist of making and publishing static ads and video ads that are well-designed and put your message across. In this way, you can let users know what your business is all about and how you can meet their requirements.
However, there are things to consider when designing a marketing campaign. Firstly, you’ll need to find yourself a good PPC expert who can write the kind of content that is eye-catching and bound to intrigue viewers. A major advantage of hiring a PPC expert is that they not only design your ad campaigns for you, but they also find the right kind of platforms to feature these ads on. This is important mainly because it often doesn’t matter whether your ads are good or not if they’re not featured in the right places.
Another advantage is that such experts are well-versed in figuring out whether or not your ads are effective. In other words, they have a fair idea of how to analyze click-through-rates and conversion rates which determine how many sales you make at the end of the day. Therefore, hiring one of these experts to create a display ad campaign for you has manifold advantages.
Offline Marketing
Offline or traditional marketing consists of those marketing tools which have been around for ages. I’m talking about pamphlets, flyers, brochures, and just print ads in general. There are ways in which you bring in more customers using these techniques even if you have an online marketing campaign in effect. For this, you should know which localities have potential customers that respond well to online marketing campaigns and which ones don’t.
In most cases, people prefer making their purchases online rather than offline so a display marketing campaign might be more effective in this case. However, in other cases, those customers who aren’t very tech-savvy or prefer reading a brochure than watching a video ad might respond very well to printed ads. The pest control industry has made quite an impact on customers in the past few decades with the help of such traditional marketing techniques, which is why they remain effective even today.
However, it doesn’t make much sense to rely only on traditional marketing when all your competitors likely feature their ads online. If you have the time and the resources, it might be a good idea to design a marketing campaign in such a way that it involves both online and offline marketing techniques. You would need an in-house marketing department or need to hire the services of a marketing agency to help you execute such a campaign successfully.
Also, as is the case with online marketing, you would need to keep an eye on how your ads are faring among customers. If they’re not making the kind of impact that you’d expected, then it might be wise to take a step back and evaluate whether your investment in such a campaign is worth it. If not, the best thing to do would be to focus on your online marketing campaign instead. The latter is much more likely to bring in more customers since companies in most industries now feature their ads on platforms online.
Customer Retention
Another important factor that can bring in more business is by providing your existing customers with great customer service. Word-of-mouth can be quite helpful in bringing in new customers, especially with a service such as pest control. People require pest control every so often therefore it makes sense for them to hire the same company over and over again if they’re satisfied with the services that they’ve received. Also, a happy customer is quite likely to pay the price that you’re asking for than an unhappy customer is, especially in the long run.
Besides, another reason why you should focus on customer retention is that it’s a cheaper form of marketing than other forms of marketing. Think about it, would you end up spending more on designing a full-fledged ad campaign or on providing your existing customers with great service? Now, this isn’t to say that you shouldn’t have a good ad campaign to market your pest control business, it’s just to reiterate that your main focus should be on letting your customers believe that they’ve received their money’s worth when they hire your services.
All in all, there are many more ways in which you can bring in more customers for your pest control business and I’ve only covered the main ones above. You should know that marketing your company and providing good customer services is the key to winning more business and boosting sales which is why we discussed these in detail above.